Episode 109 : Unlocking the Power of Online Automation with Kerry Taft

Jul 19, 2023
Unlocking the Power of Online Automation with Kerry Taft


Kerry Taft offers all-in-one business solutions for entrepreneurs who are doing it all. With her business, she’s able to provide done-for-you systems and automations that allow entrepreneurs to strategically market themselves in a way that provides them work-life balance as we set them up to run their businesses on autopilot. One of the features her clients rave the most about is concierge support. They are so excited about not having the tech hold them back from achieving their goals.

Why work harder when you can work smarter?

Ready to step up your game and discover the power of business automation?

In our latest episode, we've got Kerry Taft as our guest. Kerry is the founder of PoiseCRM, a revolutionary all in one business management solution that will change the way you run your business. Kerry believes it’s all about working smarter, not harder. Her solution is designed to put your business on autopilot, freeing up your time to focus on the things that really matter. She shares intricate details of how her innovative platform works and the unique concierge support she offers to help tailor solutions to every business owner's needs.

We delve into the realm of financial stability and the power it brings to shape your desired future. Drawing on Kerry’s 17 years of entrepreneurial experience and three years in marketing, she shares her personal journey of shifting her priorities to making financial freedom her top priority
Finally, we dive headfirst into the world of online business automation.

We're talking about mapping out the customer journey on your website, sending follow-up emails and texts, and even the power of reactivating past customers. Kerry shares her experience of taking her business global, maximizing reach, and communicating business messages efficiently. Ready to take your business to the next level? Join us for this enlightening conversation that will challenge your current business model, provide you with invaluable insights, and arm you with powerful strategies. But don't keep it all to yourself—share the knowledge! Review, subscribe, and spread the word about this game-changing podcast episode Trust us; you don't want to miss it. 

Eleshia’s Essentials

  • Sometimes you just need someone to believe in you just a little bit. And also sometimes, you need someone to kind of pull you back down to earth. - Kerry Taft
  • Why work harder when you can work smarter? - Kerry Taft
  • I started off with fitness. Just the joy of moving your body, how you feel, and then being able to combine it with music and it's almost like running away, running into this new world where you can beat anything and do anything. -Kerry Taft

About the show:

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