How I'm Preparing for Christmas with a Baby Arrival
Dec 23, 2018
Having a Christmas baby excites me heaps but the logistics of preparing for the 25th is more than a little overwhelming…
So I’ve decided to put a plan of action together for the festive period that will allow me to enjoy being a brand new mum and getting to know our new arrival, without Christmas becoming an even bigger stress.
Of course, even though the baby is due at the beginning of December, we don’t have a precise date.
Having babies doesn’t work like that! ;) (If only!)
So I’ve decided to use my project management skills to ensure we have everything that will make Christmas with a new baby memorable, including the tree, the presents and some delicious food.
I’m really planning to hibernate during this special time, so I want to ensure I have everything I need so that I don’t have to venture out at all.
Here’s how I’m planning to get ready for having Christmas baby.
1. Get organised for the baby
First, I want to make sure that everything is ready for the baby well in advance so I don’t have to rush around in a panic last minute, or realise that I don’t have something that we desperately need.
Luckily, this also helps with the nesting instinct that us pregnant ladies get around this time. I have an excuse to lovingly wash all of those tiny baby clothes, get the room sparkling clean, stock up on nappies, prepare all the natural toiletries that we’ll be needing and get any remaining big-ticket items that are still on the list.
I bought most of these larger items a few weeks ago- it’s such a relief knowing that it’s all sorted.
I’ll also be sure to pack my hospital bag with everything that I might need whilst I’m there because mid-labour is definitely not the time you should be wondering what you should include.
Obviously, every woman’s hospital bag will be slightly different, but I recommend you include the following:
For you…
- A nursing bra
- Disposable underwear (very important for those first few days post-partum)
- Sanitary pads (the type that are recommeded for post-childbirth
- A nappy bag with your newborn essentials and an extra blanket
- Warm socks
- Your toiletry bag with essentials like a hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, cleanser and a few bits of makeup if you’d like
- A good book to read
- Soothing music on your iPod or phone
- Your phone charger!
- A change or two of comfortable clothes and clean underwear
For baby…
- Light blanket
- Baby wipes
- 2 x newborn bodysuits
- Newborn pyjamas
- 2 pairs of socks
- Booties
- Cotton hat
- An outfit for going home in (opt.)
- Bum cream
- Nappies
I want to make sure that everything is ready for him or her well in advance.
2. Buy presents online
To relieve some of the stress of Christmas, I’m planning on doing the majority of my Christmas shopping online.
There’s no way in the world I want to be spending hours walking around those hectic shops, fighting crowds and struggling to carry everything, especially with my bump.
It’s amazing what you can find online these days and I’ve been able to put a lot of love and consideration into my choices. I hope everyone likes their gifts this year!
3. Food shopping online (with delivery too!)
Thank goodness for online food shopping!
I can just write up a ton of nutritious and tasty meal plans, create a shopping list and then buy everything I need from the comfort of my own home, it’s amazing. Ocado has become my best friend!
I don’t need to fight through crowds, I don’t need to struggle to find the stuff I need and I don’t need to take a bathroom trip every five minutes.
Plus the delivery guy is usually very helpful and friendly and will carry my shopping inside if I ask nicely.
4. Asking other people to bring food
I’m planning to spend as much time as possible with just close family in the early days, although I know that guests will want to come over, meet the new arrival and celebrate Christmas with us.
That’s why I’ve asked visitors to bring over dishes when they come that we can all enjoy. This will allow us to enjoy each others’ company, without needing to slave away in the kitchen.
Our family friend has also volunteered to cook Christmas dinner for us, which I very much appreciate.
5. Getting the most beautiful Christmas tree available
As this is going to be the very first Christmas for the new baby, I’m planning on decorating our home in a very special way.
Although we’ve not had a new Christmas tree for years, I’m splashing out and buying one from Patch this year. See? I told you I want this to be a Christmas to remember.
6. Asking for help with gift wrapping
I’ll be honest here. The mere thought of struggling to sit on the floor and trying to wrap gifts without feeling incredibly uncomfortable is a difficult one.
That’s why my brother Jordan will be in charge of the gift wrapping this year.
7. Relax!
I’ll also be taking plenty of time to relax, take care of myself and accept whatever happens along the journey towards being a parent. This is going to be challenging for me as I’m usually the kind of girl who feels most comfortable when everything is organised and under control.
But as I mentioned earlier, having babies isn’t like that.
I don’t know when the baby will choose to arrive. Or how long I’ll have to stay in hospital. Or what kind of labour I’ll have. Or how I’ll adapt to parenthood. Or even how I’ll be feeling emotionally after I’ve given birth (yes, I know it can be a rollercoaster in the early days.)
So I’m planning to relax and let go. Embrace everything that comes and stay positive. And most of all, get as organised as possible so I can enjoy becoming mummy to my beautiful December baby.