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Harnessing the Female Cycle & Learning to Live in Flow 

6 Part Podcast Series 


In this 6 part series we’ll be discussing exactly how we girls can maximise our productivity, harness our unique female energy and boost our skills during all phases of our monthly cycles. 



Listen to each episode of the Harnessing the Female Cycle & Learning to Live in Flow Podcast and you’ll hear how:

  • You’ll feel more in control of your body
  • Have a clarity of what you need to  in every phase of your cycle from a eating, movement, selfcare and business task list prospective 
  • You’ll finally feel excited about having your period instead of dreading it 
  • You’ll feel confident about when your energy will be at its highest so you can make use of your time well
  • You’ll know how to prepare throughout the month to ensure you stay healthy and  productive 
  • You’ll enjoy spending more time with yourself 
  • You’ll know when to ask for help and what to prioritse 
  • You’ll feel confident about what you eat, how you move and the importance of taking care of yourself FIRST.

Listen to all the episodes:

🎧 26:13 min listen

Episode 9: Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor
 Part 1 of 6

🎧 29:50 min listen

Episode 10: Learning to Love your Menses | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor.
 Part 2 of 6

🎧 28:48 min listen

Episode 11: Tuning into Your Venus Week | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor.
Part 3 of 6

🎧 28.16 min listen

Episode 12: Out Out with Ovulation | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor.
 Part 4 of 6

🎧 33:25 min listen

Episode 13: Leaning into Your Luteal Phase | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor.
Part 5 of 6

🎧 109:13 min listen

Episode 14: Rock Your Menopause | Harnessing the Female Cycle and Learning to Live in Flow with Eleshia Harris and Mairi Taylor.
Part 6 of 6

Meet the minds behind Harnessing the Female Cycle & Learning to Live in Flow 

Eleshia Harris

Founder of Eleshia Lifestyle

I’m Eleshia, a Holistic Business Growth Strategist and Implementation Coach. 

I help female business owners get clear on their goals, stay focused and on track to turn their desires into business growth. 

I absolutely love helping these individuals bring their amazingness into the world

Mairi Taylor

Menopause Rockstar 

Mairi Taylor is an educated Home Economist, ex HR Manager, retired fitness professional, Menopause Rockstar, Women’s Wellbeing Guide, juice therapist, cacao medicine carrier, aromatherapist and essential oil enthusiast.

She works with women to empower them to rewrite their menopause story and come home to themselves - by honouring, loving and fully accepting the woman they are now.


Getting aligned with a bigger vision opened the creative floodgates and has allowed my mojo to flow, giving me the confidence and conviction to take some leaps and invest in a space for myself where my business can grow and my dreams can be nurtured.

Aisha Amarfio   


I am inviting you to join me in the Grow Your Business by Harnessing Your Female Cycle membership.

Now that you have listened to the six part Podcast series, Harness Your Female Cycle and Learn to Live in Flow. I will help you really understand your cycle and support you in unlocking the superpower within yourself by appreciating how incredible the menstrual cycle is.

Learn More

Download this FREE 3 part video series on how to beat overwhelm.

Start investing in your wellbeing & continue to grow your dream business.


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