Episode 87 - Tips for Establishing Healthy Sleep Habits with Kids with Leann Latus
Jan 11, 2023
If you’re the parent of a baby, toddler or young child, you’ll know just how tricky it can be to help your child sleep well and for you to get the sleep you need.
We know that we’re almost certain to feel like sleep-deprived zombies when they’re tiny. After all, waking up for those endless nighttime feeds and nappy changes is part of the territory.
But for many, the issue can continue well beyond the infant stage and into toddlerhood and feel like it’s never going to end.
For some unlucky parents (ME!) their child used to be a good sleeper but then starts to fight against nap times and bedtimes and comes flying into bed in the early hours of the morning.
You don’t need me to tell you that being the parent, partner, friend or business owner that you want to be can be extremely challenging when you’re sleep deprived. Not to mention the effect that it can have on your mental and physical health.
Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be like this. According to this week’s podcast guest, sleep coach Leann Latus, we can solve our children’s sleep problems, whatever their age, by making those essential changes so that the whole family is sleeping better.
I’ll be honest- my chat with Leann happened exactly when I needed it. I was struggling with an energetic 3-year-old who had far better things to do than get the rest she needed! She made a huge difference to my family and I know she will to yours.
Listen to this episode to discover:
- The SIMPLE + fast trick that can help you get your child to sleep faster (and sleep longer) in just a couple of days
- Why even ‘good sleepers’ can often struggle with bedtime or wake up early when they get older 🛏
- What’s completely normal when it comes to your baby, toddler or child's sleep habits /patterns and what’s absolutely not
- Why you need to solve your children’s sleep problems ASAP and ask for help if you need it 🥰
And much more! Listen below 👇
Eleshia’s Essentials
- “Challenges come up because the kiddos all of a sudden realise either ‘Wow, I've got some freedom and I can get outta my bed and do whatever I want,’ or ‘This is actually kinda scary. I don't feel as secure. The freedom was fun, to begin with, but now I'm not quite sure how I feel”- Leann
- “That's the whole reason why I love having these conversations- because we are not alone! We’re a community. The more we start to talk about this and normalise these things, the better we’re all going to be. Then we can begin to recognize our own goals and desires and know that we are important as well! - Eleshia
- “You can sleep train a baby and it will buy you years of successful sleeping. There might be something else that develops as they get older that creates a new issue. Like her age. She doesn't wanna go to bed, she doesn't wanna miss out on all the fun of being with you.” -Leann
- “That's big for me…‘Is she sleeping?’, ‘Is she breathing?’, ‘Have I wrapped her up too much?’, ‘Are those things breathable?’ - Eleshia
About Leann Latus:
Leann is a nationally certified infant & child sleep coach who helps exhausted and overwhelmed parents teach their child to sleep easily and independently. She provides compassionate sleep strategies that help the whole family sleep again and get back freedom to do the things they love.
After experiencing challenges of her own both during the postpartum period and in combating her own son’s sleep challenges, Leann made a major change in her career in 2011 so she could focus solely on helping other families in similar situations.
As an infant & child sleep coach and the Founder of Tender Transitions, Leann works closely with a family to help them improve their children’s sleep habits. Common sleep associations such as movement (rocking, bouncing), sucking (breast/bottle feeding, pacifiers), and parental reliance (cosleeping, staying with toddler until asleep) are replaced with independent sleep skills. These skills allow a child to be in charge of their own sleep so parents can also get the sleep they so desperately need. Leann provides knowledge and research, encouragement, support, and guidance through customized coaching for each family; and is by the parent’s side every step of the way.
Leann received her postpartum doula certification through DONA International and is licensed by the Academy of Lactation Policy and Practice as a certified lactation counselor. She also completed an extensive Sleep Sense training program in 2011 with one of the world’s most respected child sleep authorities, Dana Obleman, and has helped over 1,000 families sleep better. Leann is married and the mom of two beautiful boys who sleep excellent because of the Sleep Sense program.
Visit www.tendertransitionsmn.com to download a copy of The Five Steps to Getting Your Child to Sleep Through the Night. You can also schedule a complimentary Let’s Get Acquainted phone call to discuss your baby or child’s sleep habits.
Connect with Leann Latus
- Website
- Get $100 off the online Newborn Sleep Success Toolkit by typing in CELEBRATE100 at the checkout.
- Get your free guide ‘The 5 Steps to Getting Your Child To Sleep Through The Night’
About the show:
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