Membership | Training | Community

Reclaim your Power. Build your Business. Take care of Yourself

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Unlock the Superpower within


The Membership that will enhance your Wellbeing using: 


movement | food | essential oils | supplements | self-care

Ever noticed how your energy levels, motivation, productivity and mood can fluctuate wildly over the space of just a few weeks?

This is for you

  • You dread your period coming because you worry that you’re not going to feel at your best?
  • You know that your energy levels will be low and that you won’t be your usual confident and productive self?
  • You’re exhausted, emotional, teary and feeling angry at the world.
  • You just can’t seem to get anything done, no matter how hard you try because your brain just isn’t working anymore. 


Better still, instead you could make your menstrual cycle into something to be honoured, celebrated and welcomed with open arms.


Better still, imagine if you could work with your natural flows, not against them and turn your periods into a tool for productivity. 

Inside the Membership

Learn ways you can be a little more productive whilst using your female cycle.

You can boost your skills and just really be within yourself over the four phases of your female cycle.

By understanding what is going on in your body and then getting strategic when it comes to planning, scheduling key tasks, networking and self-care, you can maximise your potential and keep growing your business.

The 6-week ‘Harnessing Your Female Cycle’ course will take you from feeling grumpy, emotional, depleted, and unmotivated to feeling energised, motivated, productive, confident and ready to achieve everything on your to-do list.

Four engaging modules that teach you exactly what you need to do for your business in every phase of your cycle to maximise growth, while also finding time for essential self-care and rest!

With access to all the bonus material which includes end-of-module quizzes to review what you’ve learnt. As well as a workbook and recipe ebook packed with delicious and quick recipes.

Value £497.00

Manage your symptoms using food, essential oils, self-care, supplements, and movement.

We’re going to work through how you can boost your skills and just really be within yourself over the four phases of your female cycle. And if you do not have a bleed anymore, we’ll make use of the moon phases for that.

The goal is to enhance your lifestyle using food, movement, essential oils, supplements, self care, and the art of delegation.

A Private Community

A private members group (not on Facebook) where I'll be sharing strategies and stories and insights to help you enhance your wellbeing and to build your business while still navigating life. 

Because sometimes we often try and separate the two and let's face it, if you're not well you have no business.

You will be part of a thriving community that will keep you moving forward and make sure you put everything you’re learning into action.

It's amazing how friendships and businesses can grow when you're part of a community. 

And, I'll join you twice a month or a live Q&A.


This is an invitation to learn with me...

to get your female monthly cycle and period working FOR you instead of AGAINST you. 

Using my wellness background, in-depth natural fertility knowledge and authentic approach, I will teach you how to chase your dreams without hitting burnout and spend more time doing what you love.

When you subscribe

Inside the Members Area I have included The 6-week ‘Grow Your Business by Harnessing Your Female Cycle’ course. Normal value £497.00.

The course is an extension of the six-week Podcast series, Harness Your Female Cycle and Learn to Live in Flow that I did with my co-host Mairi Taylor.  

I would like to help you really understand your cycle and support you in unlocking the superpower within yourself by appreciating how incredible the menstrual cycle is.

And you won't be alone because as well as the other fantastic women who are members, I will be speaking to you live every month! 

Together will look at each phase individually and learning ways to enhance your lifestyle using movement, food, essential oils, supplements, self-care, and more. 

Additional Tools for you

  • Useful end-of-module quizzes to review what you’ve learnt.
  • FREE Grow Your Business by Harnessing Your Female Cycle workbook.
  • Delicious quick & healthy recipes ebook so you can spend less time in the kitchen but stay nourished.
  • FREE access to the popular Eliminate The Sugar Challenge.
  • Live Monthly Session where you get to ask ME questions and I’ll guide you through the modules and help you take action. 
  • And access to other members through the message board.
Register Today

Reclaim your power. Build your business. Take care of yourself. 

What are Moon Cycle Phases

Moon cycle showing the 8 phases


The Moon cycle is a cycle of 8 phases that the Moon goes through in its orbit around the Earth.


Each phase is associated with a different type of energy, and understanding these phases can help us better understand our own female energy.

These phases are the New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent. 

Each phase lasts roughly one week, with the New Moon and Full Moon phases lasting two.

Let Me Teach You

How to tap into your inner power and use your female energy to create positive change in your life.


Using actionable strategies, exercises, and worksheets to help you take control of your life and create the life you desire. 

Taking an intuitive, step-by-step approach to help you break down your big-picture goals into achievable short-term and long-term milestones.

Grow Your Business by Harnessing Your Female Cycle 

I will take you from feeling grumpy, emotional, depleted, and unmotivated to feeling energised, motivated, productive, confidentand ready to achieve everything on your to-do list.

  • Understand exactly WHY you feel like you do at every stage of the month (it’s not your fault!).
  • I will help you to feel motivated and energised, have more clarity and confidence and be making more money moves…yayyyyyy!
  • Learn EXACTLY what you need to do for your business in every phase of your cycle to maximise growth (while also finding time for essential self-care and rest!).
  • Find out how to schedule your tasks, meetings and networking events for those times you feel at your best so you can maximise your impact.


A Private Community For Us to Meet

I will join you twice a month in Live Sessions, where you get to ask ME questions and I’ll guide you through the modules and help you take action. 

You’ll also be part of a thriving community that will keep you moving forward and make sure you put everything you’re learning into action. It's amazing how friendships and businesses can grow when you're part of a community. 




£22 per month for the first 100 founding members

Then £44 for non founding members

What's Included:

The Harness your Female Cycle course £497 Value.

  • Access to the full 4 Modules of the Harness Your Female Cycle including bonuses.
  • Goal and Planning Work Books.
  • Live Sessions with me twice a month.

Private Community

  • A Private community to ask questions and get additional support. 
  • Networking Sessions.
  • Monthly Live Q&A with either myself or guests.
Get In Today

You can Cancel Anytime

You have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time.

Hey, I'm Eleshia, 

I'm a Holistic Business Growth Strategist and Implementation Coach, author and host of the Eleshia Show Podcast, specialising in helping female entrepreneurs like you to get clear on their goals, stay focussed and create wildly successful businesses, without overwhelm or burnout (I’ve been there and don’t recommend it!). 

Join an amazing community of women business owners who know that investing in their businesses AND mental and physical help is key to turning their dreams into success and revenue.

£22 per month for the first 100 founding members.


Why wait? Join today!

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